Mozambique Ruling Party Likely to Win Elections Despite Dissatisfied Youth

With Mozambique set to elect its new head of state next October 11, 2024, indications are that the country’s ruling party, Frelimo, Front for the economic current events Liberation of Mozambique, will remain in power. But let’s take a closer look, as beneath the stability of the political situation, a strong wave of discontent manifests itself among the youth. This makes a big challenge to the ruling party in a wide-ranging economic battle, social issues, and expectations of politics against the disconnection that the government holds with its younger electorate.
Frelimo has been the hegemonic political force in Mozambique since this country gained its economic current events independence from Portugal, in 1975. Initially praised for its role in leading the anti-colonial struggle, the party has been criticized over the years for its governance style and handling of economic issues. However, Frelimo has continually managed strong political infrastructure and an all-inclusive network of support across the entire country, often attributed to its historical importance and still-present patronage systems.
Opposition parties, especially the Resistencia Nacional Mocambicana, commonly referred to as Renamo, have won milestones, especially in rural areas where basic governmental services and economic neglect are evident. Frelimo has remained in power primarily through alliances, control of state resources, and, very importantly, political capital made by its revolution history.
The Youth Factor
Mozambique is characterized by a population which is young, active, and dissatisfied with the status quo of their country. More than 60% of its population is below 25 years. High rates of unemployment, access to quality education, and poor services such as health and sanitation have been cited as causes that fuel these frustrations among young Mozambicans, who believe the government is not catching up with their needs and aspirations.
Social media has become a good platform for the voice of the youth to air their grievances and mobilize for change against the political establishment. Questions of governance, accountability, and need for political reform have been widely discussed on Facebook and WhatsApp platforms. The government reaction to this has been stern, raising issues with freedom of expression and the right to assemble.
Economic Challenges
Some serious economic shocks over the past few years have manifested within Mozambique, most of them resulting from the devastations created by natural disasters such as cyclones and floods, with existing vulnerabilities. The COVID-19 pandemic compounded these and resulted in poor layoffs and exacerbated high poverty rates.
Despite all this, Frelimo has continued to project an image of economic stability and growth-often through the development of infrastructure and foreign investment. The fact remains that many young people remain skeptical of these claims, given the absence of real transformations in their everyday lives. Instead, they find a job market far from what one would expect or warrant, plunging them into disappointment at the pronouncements made by the ruling party.
Political Dynamics
Thus, the elections will prove to be strategically decisive not just for the party of Frelimo but also for the opposition parties, since if the established machinery is going to be there to boost the chances of Frelimo, then frustration among the youth could easily translate to increased participation in the electoral process, either as a vote for the opposition parties or by turning out on the streets protesting perceived injustices.
Opposition parties have been trying to take advantage of such dissatisfaction and positioned themselves as alternative governments compared to Frelimo. However the political scenario is full of problematics. The main opposition, Renamo, has had internal conflicts and has therefore not been able to popularize their stance, creating a unified face. Other new entrants have also tried targeting some section of youngsters, but it is still to be seen whether they can cross the historic hurdles that have kept Frelimo at the top and gather enough momentum for bringing a real change.
KreativanSays that Mozambique is at a crucial stage since the country is drawing close to the 2024 elections. The ruling party, Frelimo, is sure going to hold power, but the young citizens are frustrated with what is going on and therefore desperate about something changing. When they do become more conscious of their rights and demand improvements this may have a huge impact on the future of the country and its democracy. The situation for the ruling party should be handled prudently. It has to respect its traditions but at the same time heed the hopes and needs of the youth generation.