New iPhone warning: typing these 4 characters will crash your device

Typing these 4 characters is now a new warning shot being given by a security expert who says it can crash Apple iPhone devices. Typing these 4 characters is now a new warning shot being given by a security expert who says it can crash Apple iPhone devices.
Bug web security researcher Konstantin revealed it earlier this week in a social media post, saying “apparently you can crash your [apple mobile user interface] iphone springboard pretty easily.”
If you swipe past all of your Home Screen pages and then search for that four characters within the App Library, your Apple iPhone will reload to the Lock Screen. The bug can also be triggered by inputting the characters in the search bar of the Settings page.
The four characters that can crash your iPhone are "":: (two double quotation marks and two colons).
“Do this at your own risk,” Konstantin warned on the social network Mastodon.
Not a security bug
When triggered, this character bug crashes your iPhone’s Springboard, causing it to reload to the Lock Screen. In some cases, the device flashes a black screen briefly before reloading.
Some social media users said the bug can be triggered by typing only the first three characters.
However, researchers told TechCrunch that it does not seem to be a security flaw. “It’s not a security bug,” said Ryan Stortz, an iOS security researcher who also studied the bug. Patrick Wardle, another iOs security researcher, was of the opinion that Stortz was right.
The new iOS update, 17.6.2, is expected to most likely fix the bug as several reports suggest experts, though timidly, will admit that the bug can still be triggered in the latest version of iOS 17 and beta iOS 18.
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